Day Clinics


“The clinic that focuses on wellness, not on illness!”

The SIMS Pediatricians provides timely vaccination, growth monitoring, development assessment & anticipatory guidance for children and their parents.

Do not be overwhelmed by your child’s long & confusing vaccination schedule. SIMS Pediatricians will make it simpler and easy to handle for you. And they are always there to answer questions on your child’s growth & development and guide in the right direction!

Feeding Clinic:

“You are what you eat!”

Eating well and eating right are important for a child’s growth, health and wellbeing. But, when children don’t well & right – when their eating is picky, fussy or messy – where do you look for help? Your long search for help ends NOW with the advent of SIMS Feeding Clinic, a clinic dedicated exclusively for the treatment of feeding difficulties in children.

Our expert team comprises of pediatricians, nutritionists & feeding therapist to deal with all kind of feeding difficulties. Our goal is to make your child a healthy eater and happy grower!

Liver Clinic:

The Department Liver Diseases and Transplant Surgery at SIMS Hospital is one of the few Centers in the country where deceased donor as well as living donor liver transplantation along with comprehensive treatment for Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic diseases are being offered to patients under one roof. The team comprises of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, Intensivists, Anesthetists, Technicians, Counselors and Specialized Nurses.? Transplant team is the one of the most experienced in the region and has received extensive training in the best centers across the world and has a vast experience in performing and managing liver transplants.

At Clinic We Offer

Liver Transplantation

Liver Surgery

Biliary Surgery

Why Choose Us?