Antenatal Care

What is Antenatal Care?

Prenatal care, also know antenatal care, is preventive healthcare delivered to women during pregnancy. During Pregnanacy, it is critical that the pregnant lady receives good care, has regular check-ups, and has all necessary tests completed on time. During pregnancy, antenatal care aims to avoid any health problems and promote a healthy lifestyle for both mother and child. Pregnancy- related facts, such as biological changes in the mother and the foetus, as well as prenatal nutrition and vitamins. Prenatal diagnosis and screening is also crucial, as it has been shown to reduce miscarriages, maternal deaths, birth abnormalities, neonatal infections, low birth weight and other problems.
Antenatal Care SIMS Hospital
To determine the due date of delivery, antenatal care is essential. The date will be confirmed utilizing uterine ultrasound by the health care practitioner. The expectant woman and her spouse are given appointment times for their upcoming check-ups.Check-ups are also necessary to detect and alleviate any discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The mother is also instructed on good infant care and nutrition, as well as how to maintain basic cleanliness and sanitation, during antenatal care. The health-care practitioner also assists the mother in overcoming her anxiety about the child and childbirth. They also provide post-natal care, immunization, and breastfeeding advice to the mother.
Procedure of Antenatal Care Treatment:
Prenatal or antenatal care entails a physical examination, blood tests, and a discussion about how to adapt your lifestyle. This includes telling the health care provider about your menstrual cycle and your complete gynecological history, any previous pregnancies, any prescription or over-the-counter medications that the mother is taking, and information about alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine consumption. During antenatal care, the health care practitioner will also determine your due date, which will be determined via foetal ultrasonography and a simple calculation based on your most recent menstrual cycle. It is critical for both the woman and the health care practitioner to know when the baby is due. The baby’s growth, the pregnancy’s progress, and the tests that need to be done are all monitored by the health care practitioner.
A health care expert will calculate the mother’s BMI depending on her height and weight during this phase. The BMI is used to inform the mother about the weight she should be carrying at different stages of the pregnancy. The vagina, changes in the cervix, and size of the uterus are all examined by the health care practitioner during the pregnancy to confirm the pregnancy stage. Checking blood type, measuring haemoglobin, checking immunity to a certain type of illness, and detecting if there has been an infection exposure are all laboratory procedures that are suggested during pregnancy. The Rhesus factor can be determined by checking the blood type, since if it is negative and the father’s is positive, particular care is required. The measurement of haemoglobin in the blood is significant since it is through the blood that the foetus receives nutrients from the mother.
During pregnancy, it is determined whether some viruses such as rubella and chickenpox require immunisation, as well as whether the mother has been exposed to serious infections such as hepatitis B, gonorrhoea, HIV, chlamydia, and so on. The health care practitioner will also discuss any lifestyle issues that may arise, such as correct nutrient and vitamin intake, appropriate activity for the stage, and whether or not to have sex during pregnancy, among other things. Pregnant women can also talk about the common side effects of pregnancy, such as enlarged and sore breasts, nausea, and morning sickness.
What are the Post Treatment instructions?
The type of delivery used to give birth will determine the post-treatment guidelines. If the birth is normal, no special precautions are required other than avoiding colds, eating nutritious foods and beverages, and doing mild workouts, but if the delivery is via C-section, further precautions must be taken with the assistance of a health care provider.
Who can receive the treatment? (When will the treatment be completed?)
Antenatal care is available to any woman who is planning to get pregnant or has just been pregnant.
Who can’t have treatment?
Women who are not pregnant but are experiencing symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and fatigue are not eligible for antenatal treatment.
Are there any negative consequences?
No, prenatal care has no negative effects.
Unless the baby is born prematurely, thorough antenatal care will take at least 9 months.
How much does therapy cost in India?
In India, the cost of antenatal care can range from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 10 lakhs.