Sunday Clinic

At SIMS Hospitals

Sunday Clinic at SIMS Hospitals

No time for seeing a doctor on Weekdays? No worries! We are available on Sundays as well. (We are ready with Weekend Care)
Now, you do not have to defer your healthcare needs and that of your loved ones due to lack of time. With the availability of experienced doctors across a wide range of specialties, our SUNDAY CLINIC aims to give you the convenience of consulting a doctor with peace of mind, without having to worry about your workday concerns.
we don’t take a break on Sunday to give you the care you need
Sunday Clinic functions with expert consultants from various multi-specialties on Sundays normally from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon to treat the out-patients. The doctors will treat the patients who require medical attention in ENT, Opthalmology, Dental Care, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Dermatology.
Book an appointment or walk into the Sunday Clinic to consult a doctor in the following specialties:
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