Profile of

Dr. Shilpa S Menon


Dr. Shilpa S Menon

Consultant Cardiologist

MD (Gen. Med), DM (Cardiology)

Dr Shilpa S Menon has over 7 years of clinical experience in Cardiology. She completed her MBBS and M.D General Medicine from Sri Ramachandra University and DM Cardiology from Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi. She has a special interest in Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy as well as Cardiac and Coronary Imaging. She is also passionate about raising public health awareness. She has been part of multiple research projects and has published articles in national and international journals.



Awards & Honours

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Dr. Shilpa S Menon

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Appointment Not Available. Please Choose Another Date.
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Dr. Shilpa S Menon

Consultant Cardiologist

Institute of Cardiac Science (ICS)

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Appointment Not Available. Please Choose Another Date.
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Dr. Shilpa S Menon

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