What are gallstones and how to identify them?

gallstones SIMS Hospital

If you have ever encountered acute upper right abdomen pain, then this could be due to formed gallstones. Pain as such with fever and yellow skin is a sure-shot symptom of having gallstones. Gallstones are a result of excessive cholesterol and are formed in the gallbladder. Rapid weight loss or a crash diet can also result in gallstone formation. Gallstones are small stones that form in the gallbladder when one or more bile components, usually cholesterol or bilirubin, accumulate and harden. Cholesterol, bilirubin (bile pigment), bile salts, phospholipids, electrolytes, and water make up bile. Following a meal, the gallbladder releases bile into the intestine to aid in fat digestion.

For many people, gallstones are silent and do not show any symptoms until it's done through an examination. When gallstones appear and get blocked, it prevents bile from entering the pancreas for better digestion. A build-up of bile can lead to a lot of pressure followed by acute pain. This is called a gallbladder attack. It is also called biliary colic which usually is experienced by people post a heavy meal.

How to identify gallbladder pain?

● Pain in the center of the abdomen
● Acute pain on the upper right side of the abdomen
● Constant pain leading to pain in the back or the right shoulder
● Nausea and vomiting while experiencing pain
● Lasting pain from a few minutes to several hours

Some other symptoms that you can look out for to identify gallstones are:

● Constant pain and fever
● Itchy skin
● Chills and loss of appetite
● Jaundice
● Diarrhea

Gallstones can be identified through various tests. Physical examination and laboratory tests can help confirm the presence of gallstones in your body.An abdominal ultrasound can also help in early detection of gallstones.

Treating gallstones

Gallstones can be treated through surgery or medications. The surgical procedure is called cholecystectomy. In this treatment, the gallbladder is removed. There’s no fear to worry as a human body can also survive without a gallbladder. Without a gallbladder, the bile juice directly flows without affecting any part of the digestion process.

For those who are unable to undergo surgery, medications are an option. But there is always a risk of the gallstones to recur. Gallstones get dissolved with medication but can take several months to even years to show results.

Preventing gallstones

Gallstone prevention is possible if one decides to take good care of their eating habits. A healthy diet and a good lifestyle is a solution to having a healthy gut and gallbladder. Here are a few things that you should and should not be doing:

● Quit prolonged fasting - Skipping meals or not taking proper intake for prolonged periods can make the gallbladder idle. This can affect the production of bile by building it up. This can lead to gallstones.
● Healthy food intake - Eat fiber rich food such as beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Limit having refined carbs and sugary foods.
● Don’t aim for quick weight loss - The body metabolizes fat during rapid weight loss, causing the liver to secrete excess cholesterol into bile, increasing the risk of gallstone formation.

Besides healthy food intake, it is also essential to ensure that you have a healthy lifestyle. If you are a chronic smoker or consume alcohol, the ideal solution is to quit for better health.